Armstrong on Beloki to La Boulangère


Lance Armstrong did not find it surprising that the Spaniard Joseba Beloki, one of the main contenders for the Tour de France 2004, joined the French team Brioches La Boulangère.At yesterdays press conference in Brussels he was asked by an "astonished" journalist why Beloki "chose a modest French team."

Armstrong answered that "Beloki will be well supported next July. Beloki will be directed by Jean-Rene Bernaudeau, a sporting director for whom I have the greatest respect because he is a hard worker and a great tactician."

The American continued, "The decision of Beloki is not strange because he will be surrounded by good riders. With Didier Rous and Sylvain Chavanel, it is a very strong team."

Johan Bruyneel confirmed that he "had never thought of recruiting Beloki", contradicting rumours that Postal had been after his signature.